Wednesday, April 11, 2007

UOI Theme Who I am, Title: I Want/I Need

Well, I have to say that it is quite difficult to name only 5 of my needs and wants so I will try my best.

1. God: The giver of life.
2. Family: I cannot think of life without them!
3. A job: This provides me with money and gives me new skills and knowledge.
4. A home: Home is where the heart is.
5. Communication systems: my PDA Hp, my computer, the Internet, my TV, my handicam!

1. The best education that I can give to my children.
2. A stable loving home.
3. A stimulating and challenging job where I can make a difference.
4. A more peaceful world.
5. Ok, I'll admit it, A Macbook


Josephine said...

wow, Mrs. Jane you tell the truth by saying you want a Mac iBook

Christiana Louisa said...

Mrs Jane, I noticed that you mentioned that you want to be able to make a difference in the work that you do. I know that you have made, and are making, a huge difference to me and my education. I think everyone in grade three or whoever has ever had you as their teacher would agree with me.

Joshua Hutabarat said...

Mrs.Jane, you are a very good mum by givingh best education to your children.

Anonymous said...

Your telling the truth I like that. I like your want.

Grace in GGM said...

Wow good mum.
I like your first want.

Yohana Gabriella said...

Mrs.Jane, Your need is just the same as me that is a home

Yohana Gabriella said...

Mrs.Jane, You are so nice because you want to give your children the best education.

Yohana Gabriella said...

Mrs.Jane, I like your needs because you include God as the first number and it is really good.

GGM Company-Josceline said...

good your reason Mrs.Jane!

kathleen said...

Wow, Mrs.Jane this wonderful!!!0:)