Friday, March 9, 2007

About my family

I'm an Australian married to an Indonesian. I'm originally from Melbourne and my husband is from North Sumatra, Lake Toba. He is a Batak. I had to become a Batak first before we could get married. I had a ceremony where I was formally adopted into the family of my husband's uncle - on his mother's side. This officially made me a Batak person. I got a clan name, Panjaitan and 3 sisters and 2 brothers plus a mum and dad as well. I was made child number 2.
We got married in 1997 on the 13th of December. We now have 3 children. A son Riam who is almost 8, a daughter Taruli who is 5 and we have a baby son called John who is 10 months old. Life is very busy!
I teach at an IBO school called Sekolah Pelita Harapan. It's a Christian school and is one of the best schools in Indonesia. The work is very demanding and tiring which is why I have a nanny to look after the baby, a maid to look after the house and a driver - oh and a guard/gardener as well.

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