Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Farewell Grade 3

Hi Grade 4.

Yes all of you are now in Grade 4! I really loved teaching all of you. Thank you so much for your awesome enthusiasm. I now need your help. I am thinking now about the set up for anak-online. What did you like learning about the most in our e-Learning this past year? Can you make a post to your blog? Is there anything you would like to learn more about in the anak-online tutorial starting the beginning of August? Please make a post to let me know.


Christiana Louisa said...

Mrs Jane, I have only been on holidays for three days and I miss the eLearning program so much. I used to rush home from shcool because I could not wait to work on my blog. What to do? I hope that all of the other students decide to join the new program that you are putting together, it means so much, not only to me, but to many of the other classmates also.

Jane in Java said...

Pray for it Tiana. I'm sure God already has a plan for us about this.

kathleen said...

Dear Mrs.Jane. Now, I'm in Singapore, on the way to New York. Mrs. Jane, I miss anak online very much. For not having it, I feel that I miss out something everyday. I pray that all parents will agree to let my friends join the elearning program. I miss you, my friends and Ibu.Shirley.

Jane in Java said...

Thanks Kathleen. Have a wonderful holiday. You should keep a journal of your trip. Why don't you try keeping an artists journal. All you need is a little book of blank paper. You can try to make a drawing each day of the things that you see. It would make a great memory keepsake.

GGM Company-Josceline said...

Hi! Mrs.Jane I really like the e-learning. Before I never know about e-learning. I am so happy to be grade 3 students.